MOON Exchange

We created the MOON exchange to allow players to convert their legacy $MEPT tokens, previously earned from staking $GEAR, into the new $MOON currency or contracts. This helps streamline the game by phasing out old tokens and simplifying the overall game economy. It ensures that all players use the same currency, making the game more accessible to manage and play.

  • Players will have a 90-day conversion window, giving everyone a fair chance to switch before we entirely discontinue all utility for the legacy $MEPT token.

Conversion Mechanics

$MEPT to $MOON Conversion:

  • Rate: 5000 $MEPT for 1 $MOON

$MEPT to Contract Conversion:

  • Advanced Contract Rate: 5,000 $MEPT for 1 Advanced Contract

  • Expert Contract Rate: 50,000 $MEPT for 1 Expert Contract

$MPTS to $MOON Conversion:

  • Rate: 1000 $MPTS for 1 $MOON

$MPTS was a token earned through Meteor’s legacy mission project.

Last updated